Proficiency Tests

In the interest of the hobby and sport of model aircraft, it is essential that first, an adequate standard be set before a beginner is allowed to fly on his own without a qualified instructor in attendance, and secondly, that further challenges are set to challenge the model aircraft pilot to improve his flying skills.

The first set of proficiency tests introduced in the 70s was the “Propeller” series, which was replaced in 1984 by the present proficiency system, which is represented by the four qualifications of Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Instructors, with a fifth, the Solo being added. 

It is therefore essential that our members improve their proficiencies to fly any model aircraft with ease and safety.  Although SOLO is the minimum requirement, we would like to encourage members to do their BRONZE as a club minimum standard.  Members who successfully complete a BRONZE proficiency or higher will be awarded with a wing insignia.

Although certain days have been reserved for proficiency training and tests, members must please arrange with the training and safety officers in advance when they want to do their tests.  Members must also print the relevant proficiency test form and complete their personal details in advance.

Fixed-Wing Proficiency:

The purpose of the fixed-wing proficiencies is to ensure a model aircraft pilot’s ability to fly and control a powered model aircraft safely when other members are present and flying. It also ensures that the model pilot had been instructed on his club’s by-laws, safety rules, the SAMAA Manual of Procedures, and that he has an understanding and working knowledge of the equipment and radio installation, and a basic understanding related to model aircraft safety, and aerodynamics.

  • Fixed-Wing Solo:

  • Fixed-Wing Bronze:

  • Fixed-Wing Silver:

  • Fixed-Wing Gold:

  • Fixed-Wing Instructor:

  • Fixed-Wing Instructor Judge:

  • Fixed-Wing FPV Instructor:

Fixed-Wing Proficiency - SOP-SAMAA-009:

Helicopter & Multi-Rotor Proficiency:

Helicopter proficiencies are principally for the checking of equipment and the progressive stages for a helicopter pilot to learn to fly, and at a later stage to improve, advance, and as the pilot’s competence increases, for him to obtain higher merit qualifications. The ever-increasing popularity of First-Person-View flying, has made it necessary for this form of RC flight to be incorporated into flying at SAMAA-approved flying fields. The FPV proficiencies are intended as “extensions” to existing LOS (Line-of-Sight) proficiencies, and each proficiency level has a corresponding minimum LOS proficiency requirement.

  • Heli Hover/Bronze

  • Heli Solo/Silver

  • Heli Advance/Gold

  • Heli Instructor

  • Heli Instructor Judge

  • Solo: FPV Activities

  • Solo: LOS Activities

  • Multi-Rotor LOS Solo

  • Advanced: FPV

  • Advanced: LOS

  • Display/Demonstration FPV

  • Display/Demonstration LOS

  • Instructor FPV

  • Instructor LOS

Helicopter Proficiency Booklet (Not Controlled)

Turbine Jet Proficiency:

The emphasis of the SAMAA Turbine Jet Proficiency is on the safe operation of turbine-powered fixed wing aircraft. Both safe turbine operation and safe flying skills are required to qualify for this proficiency. SAMAA pilots who have successfully completed the qualification test flight for turbine-powered jet model aircraft under the supervision of two experienced turbine pilots, one of whom is a judge or contest director, qualify for this rating.

  • Turbine Jet Proficient

Gliding Proficiency:

The MGA RC Glider training framework caters for RC glider pilots to achieve a Solo proficiency as verification that a satisfactory level of skill has been achieved, permitting them to fly on their own, and as per SAMAA Insurance requirements. As this assessment of a level of pilot skill is a qualitative measure , it is necessary that an MGA authorised and independent instructor ensures that the pupil has achieved the required level of skill.

  • Hand-launched Glider (Swift)

  • Electric-powered Glider (Falcon)

  • Slope Soaring (Gull)

  • Thermal Soaring (Eagle)

RC Model Skydiving Proficiencies:

There are two proficiencies for RC Model Skydiving, a Free Fall badge rating, and a Free Fall Instructor. A pilot who qualifies for the FF badge may participate for leisure, fly-ins, competitions, and SAMPE events. A FF Instructor is allowed to participate in SAMAA-registered air shows.

  • Free Fall Badge

  • Free Fall Instructor