Dear Irene Radio Flyer
You and your immediate family are invited to the IRF end year function to be held at the IRF
club on the 28th of November 2020. The festivities will begin at 8 AM with a pilot briefing at 9
AM. The day will be a bring and braai, with the club providing fires, salad, bread rolls and
condiments. Please pay attention to the following Covid-19 regulations from SAMAA.
o Important – All Covid-19 principles are still in effect and must be maintained, i.e.
o Masks, Social distancing & Register.
o The limit has increased to 80 persons at any given moment for all clubs and events, including close
family (Wife and Children).
o General Public still not allowed.
There will be general flying throughout the day, and if enough interest, extend into the
evening with some night flying. Only one official event will be held on the day (Spot Landing
@ 2:30), to maximise flying time. The GPS unit will be available for all the speed freaks.
We encourage all our members to attend the function, it is a great way to end the year and get
ready for the holidays.
Remember to bring some extra cash for your last chance to get some raffle tickets for the
“Freewing Avanti” runway fund raffle. The draw will take place at the end year function.
Looking forward to see you all
IRF Committee