Please join us for a warbird and vintage plane fly in at Irene Radio Flyers on 24 September 2016 8:00 – 17:00.
Event Permit Number: 160810
Format: “Bring and Braai” and fires will be provided by IRF.
Free Entrance: Just bring your food and beverages, cutlery and chairs. There is also space for “Gazebo’s”.
Agenda: Bring your warbirds and or vintage planes and fly with us that is what the day is all about.
Plane CV: Also provide us with a two liner description of your plane on the day on a piece of paper. The make, model, year and a line of where and when it was used and maybe an interesting fact.
Note: CURRENT SAMAA SOLO rating is a prerequisite to fly. Appropriate SAMAA rating is required to operate special aircraft over 7kg’s and 6m wing span. All SAMAA “Policies and Procedures” must be followed as set out in SAMAA “Operations Manual” during the day.
Eligible Aircraft: Qualifying Warplanes from any era, old timers to modern war aircraft are welcome. Vintage aircraft are aircraft of an obsolete type which have been preserved beyond their normal life. Their owners are typically aviation museums, armed forces or private enthusiasts. Sometimes they may be maintained in an airworthy condition so that they can be flown at air displays or on public occasions. Please use your discretion when deciding what vintage planes to bring but the older and more obscure, the better. Do not forget helicopters!
Looking forward to see you there.